A Way...In A Manger
Running Time: 30 minutes
Cast: 4 m, 6 w, 5 flexible, 2 youngsters, small children’s choir, and extra adults
The Thompsons like to celebrate Christmas and the birth of Jesus by displaying a nativity scene on their front lawn, much to the dismay of their homeowners’ association president, Mrs. Matthews. Citing "rule 763" she wants the display taken down – immediately! Mrs. Matthews gets her wish when she discovers that the Thompsons’ nativity figures have been stolen by local troublemakers. As Mrs. Thompson's oldest son Joey sets out to find the figures, he meets Maria, a troubled young girl who has wandered onto his yard looking for shelter. With the help of three wise friends, a stressed-out Sunday school teacher, and the family’s good-natured pastor, Joey finds the missing figures and a whole lot more. He and everyone else discover the meaning behind the figures which is God’s enduring and encompassing love for us. This is a large cast, gender-flexible play with humor in a modern setting. With very few props, this a play is easy to produce on any budget.